Pre 15 dana na onaj svet je otputovala pevačica Tina Tarner tzv. kraljica rokenrola. Osetio sam potrebu i želju da u meditaciji pitam Duhovne energije: Kakav su duhovni efekat imale pesme i muzika koju je Tina Tarner sa svojim bendovima izvodila širom sveta? Kakav je bio njen duhovni razvoj? Volim da je slušam, uživam u tim pesmama i melodijama, u njenom šarmu i harizmi.

Evo šta mi je prenela Kosmička biblioteka:

Tina Tarner je poreklom Vilenjak.

Njena muzika je ispunjavala duše ljudi ljubavlju i radošću. Zahvaljujući njoj, milioni ljudi su dobili kosmičku čigru ljubavi. To seme je probudilo ljubav u srcima ljudi koji su slušali njenu muziku.

Bila je prosvetljena.

Njena poruka glasi: “Ljubav je božiji dar. Ljubav je dotakla i moje srce.

Doživeo sam snažnu ganutost u meditaciji, suze su tekle.

Dobio sam ideju da objavim i stihove pesme Paradise is here, za koju si mi Duhovne energije rekle:

Ona je volela tu pesmu.

Paradise is here

You say you wanna live some – move out into the fast lane

You say you need excitement to make you come alive

Some place a million miles from the shadows that surround you

I look for your attention, you’re lost out in the future

Where lovers ask no questions and shadows never fall

Some pilgrim bound for paradise, no compromise

Paradise is here, it’s time to stop your crying

The future is this moment and not some place out there

Tonight I need your love, don’t talk about tomorrow

Right now, I need your loving

Right now, give it to me

Right now, I want your loving

Rigt now, now now now now

You talk about your new plans to move on up the stairway

You dream about the high life that’s waiting for you there

A world of fame and fortune just around the corner

But I don’t need no high life to make me feel a woman

I don’t need to reach for no castles in the sky

Just put your arms around me, devour me

Paradise is here, it’s time to stop your crying

The future is this moment and not some place out there

Tonight I need your love, don’t talk about tomorrow

Right now, I need your loving

Right now, give it to me

Right now, I want your loving

Rigt now

Don’t say tomorrow

To give me sorrow

Kategorije: Tekstovi

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